Sunday 13 October 2013


A joint press conference was held last Saturday(12 Oct). Anti-Lynas groups are urging all concerned citizens to join the blockade at the Kuantan Port on 15/10(Tue) 11.00pm to protest against Lynas Corp's 2nd shipment of rare earth ore! SMSL, HIMPUNAN HIJAU, SLC, MPs, local assembleymen, various civil societies and all concerned residents are urging EVERYONE to DRIVE cars there and honk your HORN at midnight! Please watch this clip:

Press statement from SMSL on the 2nd shipment of Lynas of its REO

Lynas has shipped its 2nd shipment of rare earth oxides (REO) from  Fremantle port and the ship is scheduled to arrived at the Kuantan port on the small hours of 16th Oct.

While the submission by Lynas on the ‘conceptual’ PDF( Permanent Deposit Facility for the Water Leached waste  WLP) has yet to be ascertained to be in conformity with the requirement laid down in the terms and conditions of the TOL (Temporary Operating License) by the regulating Authority AELB ( Atomic Energy Licensing Board),an import license has obviously been issued to Lynas to enable it to bring in this  2nd shipment!

AELB has again openly and defiantly acted in collusion with interested parties and failed in its role as the regulating authority on matters concerning Lynas’ activities. Lynas has on the other hand taken advantage of such ‘favoritism’ shown by AELB by quickly importing its second shipment of REO! It is not  observing the Corporate Social Responsibilities clause upheld by  all big corporations to ensure their operations will not put the communities in which they operate in any undue hazards or danger. Neither Lynas nor the AELB  has engaged the people effectively or kept them adequately informed on the PDF issue, the recycling proposal and the data which AELB has collected on Lynas’ trial run in the past 10 months during which it was in operation!

Such blatant disregards for effective policing by AELB and good corporate practice on the CSR front has put the community at greater risks of more severe  pollution and health hazards!

We call upon all Malaysians to be keenly aware of the total neglect and disregards by our own regulating government authorities on matters concerning Lynas to stand up and make their strong objections heard by honking their car horns at midnite on the 15th of Oct!
the reverberating sounds of a nation’s cars wake up the government of the day who is deaf to all voices from the rakyat! This simple and easily practicable act by all citizens will signal the wake of people’s awakening call.
Let’s emulate the “Earth Hour”. 

Please sound your car horns for 10 sec at the stroke of midnite on the 15th Oct 2013! Let us make it a historical moment for all Malaysians!

Also, we are calling all concern citizens to come to Kuantan Port in cars at 11pm on 15th Oct 2013 and let’s HONK  LYNAS OUT OF MALAYSIA!

For more info please contact:
Tan Bun Teet
Chairperson of SMSL
+6 017-9730576

Joint Press Statement made by Kuantan MP Fuziah & IM MP Dato' Fauzi on 2nd shipment of Lynas REO.
Joint Press Statement by:

Y.B Fuziah Salleh - Member of Parliament for Kuantan
Y.B Dato' Fauzi Abdul Rahman - Member of Parliament for Indera Mahkota
12th October 2013.
The citizens of Kuantan has been alerted that Lynas is importing it's second shipment of Rare Earth Oxide. The consignment of REO which left Freemantle Port in Australia  on 4th October is expected to reach Kuantan port in the early hours of wednesday 16th Oct.

It is well understood that in order for this second shipment of REO to be imported to Malaysia, an import license issued by AELB -Atomic Enegy Licensing Board is mandatory. 
Since the operations of LAMP- Lynas Advanced Material Plant. commenced from  the date of the issuance of the TOL- Temporary Operating License on 3rd September 2012, LAMP has breached multiple conditions of the TOL but yet AELB seems helpless and powerless in monitoring as well as enforcing it's 'own set of regulations.  On the contrary AELB seems to be bending over backwards to defend Lynas instead of the rakyat. 

Amongst the conditions of the TOL was the identification of the PDF- Permanent Disposal Facility to be identified within a period of 10 months from the date of the issuance of the TOL. The 10 months dateline falls on 3rd July 2013. However up till now AELB has not been transparent with the Kuantan public with regards to the location of the PDF.  Instead the public has been baffled by statement saying that the PDF may not be necessary since the waste may be recycled and commercialised. And that only the concept of PDF is needed. 

Upon the issuance of the TOL, 4 Ministers did a Joint Ministerial Statement. The contents of the statement states that during the TOL stage, Lynas will be responsible for removing their radioactive waste out of the country and that there is no compromise regarding the waste. However up till now, Lynas has not announced the shipment of the toxic radioactive waste out of Gebeng and out of Malaysia.

Despite breaching the conditions set by the government, Lynas is rewarded by being given a free hand by the government to do what Lynas pleases even to the extent of  endorsing Lynas to go round in schools giving their version of the safety issues of Lynas from the Lynas's perspective. Last week, Lynas was reported giving career talks in SMK Teluk Chempedak. This is ethically questioanable. The Department of Education and the Ministry Of Education must answer to the rakyat why this outrageous activity is happening. 

Today, a few days before the arrival of the REO in Kuantan port, we urge the Kuantan public to stand up for their rights. AELB must be accountable for regulating their own set of regulations.
The government too must put the interest and  the safety of the public above the interest of foreign corporations. 

Let us stand united to hold AELB and the government accountable.


For more info, please contact the MPs
Y.B Fuziah Salleh (hp no: +6 019-2702838) - Member of Parliament for Kuantan

Y.B Dato' Fauzi Abdul Rahman (hp no: +6 019-9887675) -Member of Parliament for Indera Mahkota

Joint Press Statement made by Kuantan & Balok mothers on 2nd shipment of Lynas REO.

We, mothers from Kuantan and Balok are sad and angry at the Malaysian government’s failure to close the Lynas plant in Gebeng by them issuing a Temporary Operating Licence    ( TOL ) to Lynas in January 2012 and recently by issuing an import licence for Lynas to bring in the ore from Western Australia which shipment is expected to arrive at Kuantan Port in the early hours of 16th October 2013. 
The risks and dangers from the rare earth processing are serious especially to our health, our environment, our well being and our local fishing and tourism industries.

We take seriously Lynas’ failure to identify their Permanent Disposal Facility ( PDF ) and also our government’s silence with regards to the same. Where is Lynas’ corporate social responsibility ? Why have they refused to listen to us ? 
As mothers we are concerned about the impacts Lynas’ refinery will have on our children and our future generations. As mothers we too want the best for our families. Of course we want development and economic growth but let it be one that is safe for our children and our environment.

Why is Lynas allowed to pollute our environment and our children’s future ? Why isn’t there a public consultation with the local population ? Why does our government allow Lynas to kill our children’s future ? 
We mothers demand Lynas to fulfill their corporate responsibility and we also demand answers from our government. Our government should be protecting us instead of working hand in hand with a foreign company to endanger its own citizens. We, together with our Members of Parliament, our local assemblymen, the various civil societies and all the Kuantan and Balok residents will protest in the early hours of 16th October 2013 and we will continue our fight for a better and safer Malaysia.

For more info, pls contact the representatives of Balok & Kuantan mothers against Lynas:
Hajah Rahimah Hj Abdul Majid +6 017-9007813
Nurhaniza Ali +6 014-5402098

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